Freitag, 31. Mai 2013


also ich werde jetzt 5 tage vegetarier bzw pescetarier (mit fisch essen) und am Wochenende die 2 tage nur Fleisch essen. ich hoffe dadurch verliere ich auch wieder einige kilos. werde auch nächste woche jeder tag ins gym gehen trainieren hehe.
stay strong
your gossip girl

Samstag, 11. Mai 2013


Superchick - Courage

I told another lie today
And I got through this day
No one saw through my games
I know the right words to say
Like "I don't feel well"
"I ate before I came"

Then someone tells me how good I look
and for a moment
For a moment I am happy
But when I'm alone
No one hears me cry

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be okay
Together we can make it through another day

I don't know the first time I felt unbeautiful
The day I chose not to eat
What I do know is how I changed my life forever
I know I should know better
There are days when I'm okay
And for a moment
For a moment I find hope
But there are days when I'm not okay
And I need your help
So I'm letting go

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be okay
Together we can make it through another day

You should know you're not on your own
These secrets are walls that keep us alone
I don't know when but I know now
Together we'll make it through somehow
Together we'll make it through somehow

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be okay
Together we can make it through another day

Donnerstag, 2. Mai 2013

Freu freu

Ich freue mich soooooo sehr wenn ich endlich ausziehen kann hehe. Nicht das ich meine Familie nicht liebe, liebe ich über alles, aber mein eigenes reich zu haben wo ich nicht in Versuchung getrieben werde etwas zu essen ist noch immer besser <3

Könnt ihr mir vielleicht ein paar tipps in sachen Jungs geben... ich habe bisschen Probleme ;( ich will nicht nervig sein aber eigentlich würde ich ihm am liebsten jede sekunde schreiben, ich weiß nicht warum es bei mir nie klappt... :(

Stay strong xoxo

Could you give me some tips... i have problems to get to know one boy :( in fact i would like to write him every second but i think then i would be very annoying. Why doesnt work it? what make i wrong? i think he doent like me anymore... but i think every time at him. Please help me
